"Reading is an integral building block of a successful future. Our schools must provide proper tools to help our children overcome the challenges of this common learning disability, which starts by reclassifying the disability to ensure max accommodation. westerman.house.gov/media-center/p"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Bruce Westerman:
"This week, I introduced the 21st Century Dyslexia Act to reclassify dyslexia within the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.By reclassifying dyslexia, this bill ensures those suffering from the learning disability will receive proper accommodation.westerman.house.gov/media-center/p"Read on Twitter
"See my most recent oped with @RepBradWenstrup & @RepJohnJoyce in @thehill."Republicans have created the Healthy Future Task Force to develop positive, commonsense solutions to improve the health of all Americans today and in the future."thehill.com/blogs/congress" on April 28Read on Twitter
"My bill Sara's Law and the Unfair Sentencing of Minors Act, included in the TVPRA, will ensure judges are allowed discretion in their sentencing of kids who have committed crimes against their abusers and abolish sentencing these children to life without the chance of parole. twitter.com/worldweyouth/s" on April 28Read on Twitter